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3 min read
Bowing Down & Serving God
did Jesus say "you shall worship God" OR "you shall bow down to God and serve him only? " Is it ok to replace these words with "worship"?
2 min read
Why did Jesus call the Pharisees "spiny anteaters?
this explains why Jesus would call the pharisees "echidnas" (spiny anteaters) and the meaning in Greek mythology
8 min read
What I learned about prayer: Psalm 31 and 55
What I learned from David's laments about God and prayer in Psalm 31, 55, 56, 57 and 59. New Testament Bible verses too!
10 min read
Did Jesus "bear" OUR sins? Or take them away?
an examination of "he bore" our sins and that it means that he carried them away!
8 min read
The Sinless and Spotless Jesus
looking at the sinlessness of Jesus - who never knew sin, neither was in ever in him
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