Chart to explore how people became disciples of Jesus (aka Christians)
So this is a printable 8x11 chart that helps us learn about how people became Christians. WHAT did they do - and - WHEN did they do it? Did they say a prayer? Did they accept Jesus into their heart? Did they wait until a public time became available for them to be baptized? Did it matter how many other people were there? There are many teachings about what to do in response to hearing the good news about Jesus, but what does the Bible say? Click here or on the image to download and print. Fill it out with someone you're studying the Bible with or as a group. Free for all uses.
Printable sheet for kids & teens on modesty and safety
This is a printable sheet for kids and teens that explains modesty and why it's important to honor God with our bodies. It's especially important in this digital age. Bible verses are at the bottom of the sheet. Click on the image to download the PDF and print. Enjoy!